Events & Meetings

Events & Meetings

Next Joint Parish council meeting 18 January 2023 Village Hall 7.30pm  - Agenda click here 

Events & Meetings

A Parish Council is a small local authority, as defined by the Local Government Act 1894. YRPC is composed of 5 Parish Councillors, with at least three being in attendance to ensure a meeting is quorate. They employ a Part-Time Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer ( average 4 hours per week)

Elections for Parish Councillors take place every four years, the next election being in 2023. Any member of the public residing in the parish and over the age of 18 can stand for election.

Parish Council meetings are held every two months, usually on the third Monday in January, March, July, September and November. The May meeting is held usually on the second Monday, following any elections.

 Meetings in 2023 

18 January 



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